Services and contacts

Contacts at IAE Nantes

International Relations Office - Building Erdre, Campus Tertre, Nantes

Amandine Pontreau, European area Manager, Erasmus programme & Valence University double degree - office 212
Léa Keryell-Cochen, American and African area Manager & Partnerships - office 212
Floriane Minier, Offshore programmes - Office 107

French-Asian International Management Center - Building Petit Port, Campus Tertre, Nantes

Laurence Cosson, In charge of the International Relations office and the French-Asian International Management Center
Yue Le Michel, International cooperation assistant, Asia area Manager


Contacts at Nantes Université

International Relations Office - Maison des Echanges Internationaux et de la Francophonie, 15 chaussée de la Madeleine, Nantes

Contact :
+33 253 462 162


Useful services at IAE Nantes

Mis à jour le 20 November 2023.